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​BIBL101 Old Testament Context and Theology

Prerequisite: THY101

This course studies the context of the Old Testament and the prominent theologies that have developed from that context. While this course is not a book by book study, it will demonstrate the impact that the context has on each section of these writings and the theologies that contribute to the use of the Old Testament for teaching and preaching in today’s church.

Course Objectives

  1. Gain an understanding of the central theme of the Old Testament writings that gives context to the content

  2. Explain the prominent theologies that are used to understand the Old Testament, especially in a New Testament context

  3. Acquire a working knowledge of how each division and the books in those divisions reflect the context


BIBL102 New Testament Context and Theology

Prerequisite: BIBL101

As with the sister course, Context and Theology of the Old Testament, the context of the New will be the primary focus. Within this context, relevant theologies are examined as to how they support, reflect, and protect the central focus of the Christian writings. As with BIBL101, this course is not a book by book study. However, it will demonstrate how the context drives the theologies. Additionally, special attention is paid to the historical-critical interpretation of the theologies studied.

Course Objectives

  1. Identify the central theme that is the controlling context for the New Testament

  2. Learn how the selected theologies depend on the context as well as defend the context

  3. Acquire a working knowledge of the context and how this “equips the saints for the work of service to the building up of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12).


THY101 Biblical Interpretation

Prerequisite: None

This course introduces concepts of biblical interpretation. The study includes issues related to interpretation, an examination of major approaches, and tools necessary to understand best practices for interpreting any biblical text.

Course Objectives

  1. Recognize the inherent difficulties in biblical interpretation

  2. Understand approaches that have been used, examining their strengths and weakness

  3. Adapt methods of interpretation that best suite the student’s strengths/weaknesses and ministry


THY102 Theology Survey

Prerequisite: BIBL102

This course introduces the study of theology from a historical perspective. This approach examines the development of theology from the first century to the present day with emphasis on key turning points in the development of biblical and systematic theology. In this process, attention will be paid to key theologians in various periods of history to learn from their thought process.

Course Objectives

  1. Acquire a grasp of the historical development of the current state of theology

  2. Learn the key turning points in history that have had the greatest impact on the development of theology

  3. Develop a sense for the different approaches to theology (dogmatic, systematic, biblical)



There are two levels in the Discipleship Training Certificate Program

Core Curriculum: The foundation of the Discipleship Training Certificate Program is laid with BIBL101-102 and THY101-102. The design is to give a biblical and theological overview of the faith from which all teachings of King Jesus find their context. There are two tracks that the student can consider, depending on their passion, gifts, and ministry. Both tracks are built on the Core Curriculum.


Track #1: Teaching: The Teaching Track focuses on study and delivery principles and techniques. The following courses complete the Teaching Certificate:



TEA101: Exposition and Exegesis: Keys to Effective Preaching and Teaching

This course is designed to facilitate the student in developing necessary insights in sermon and lesson preparation with special focus on discipleship and church growth. Methods and tools for a deeper study will be the focus as well as how to organize sermons and lessons.

TEA102: Christ-centered (Christocentric) Life-Model, Preaching and Teaching

Essential to effective presentation of the Word of God is the central focus of the servant. This course is designed to help the servant of King Jesus develop a life like Jesus who “emptied Himself, taking the form of a bondservant” (Philippians 2:7).


Track #2: Ministry: This Program adds the two ministry courses, MIN101-102 to the curriculum that encourages service to our King as well as building stronger skills of ministry.


MIN101 The Gospel of King Jesus

MIN101 focuses on the Gospel New Testament and how this message makes disciples according to Jesus’ commission in Matthew 28:18-20. This course details the story of Jesus found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the core of the Gospel presented in Acts when a Christian shares with a non-Christian.

MIN102 Discipleship

MIN102 Defines discipleship based on the cross of Jesus and what it accomplished. This course exposes the essence of being a servant of King Jesus based on the Great Commission of Jesus as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel account.

T4J Ministries

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